Activating Operation Green Light

We have been involved in several projects for Operation Green Light (OGL), including the following:

Field Communication Design 

We completed the wireless communication design and provided implementation oversight for the first phase of OGL. OGL Phase I provided communication connectivity between the OGL management center in Lee’s Summit, Missouri and approximately 600 signal controllers, three external traffic operation centers, and local agencies throughout the Kansas City area.

The OGL Traffic Management Center (TMC) is co-located with the Kansas City Scout freeway management system at the Missouri Department of Transportation's Kansas City district headquarters in Lee’s Summit, Missouri. The TMC and communications network allows OGL and local agencies to actively manage and coordinate signal timings on the busiest arterials crossing the bi-state and 20-plus local jurisdictional boundaries in the greater metropolitan area. 

For this project, we completed the following:

  • Finalized functional requirements and the network configuration design 
  • Evaluated and tested wireless communication hardware options
  • Developed the regional communication network design 
  • Prepared plans, specifications, and estimates 
  • Prepared bid documents and supported bid review and award activities 
  • Monitored construction activities and approved final communication installation

The final Phase I communications included a high-bandwidth, licensed, wireless, Point to Point (P2P) backbone; with unlicensed, wireless, Point-to-Multi-Point (P2M) wireless from towers to field traffic controllers. The project leveraged and used available closed-loop sections of existing conduit and fiber where available. 

Signal Enhancements – American Recovery and Reinvestment Act

We were contracted to complete design and provide construction administration for an OGL American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) expansion project. The project design has been completed and included designing wireless and fiber communications for the project to expand.

Other project elements included developing an intersection stop bar detection design (loops, cameras, and radar), and developing a Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) camera design, including expanding its central camera control software. 

Signal Timing Optimization 

Our traffic team was the prime consultant in developing signal timing plans for the more than 600 OGL traffic signals. These projects included cross-jurisdictional coordination and optimization of traffic signal timings on major arterial roadways throughout the region. Services also included collecting data, developing yellow- and red-change periods, and updating pedestrian clearance intervals following the latest Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) standards.

We helped OGL staff members input timing changes using the central traffic management system software. We also helped fine tune the signal timings by making field adjustments during timing implementation.

Todd Fredericksen
Sector Leader
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