Kum & Go Nationwide Services

Our relationship with Kum & Go bega­­n in 2010 after working with Henning Construction, the client’s general contractor and construction management team. In recent years, we aimed to establish and maintain relationships with the client by showcasing the firm’s full-service advantages.

For Kum & Go, it was essential to hire engineers who can do it all – from surveying to land development to follow-up construction services. What began as a homegrown Iowa collaboration has since evolved into a national endeavor of business expansion, both for the convenient store chain and for us.

We are completing about 70 percent of Kum & Go’s projects in 10 states: Arkansas, Colorado, Iowa, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, North Dakota, Oklahoma, South Dakota, and Wyoming.

Further, we are providing special inspection oversight for 100 percent of Kum & Go's construction projects. With the chain aiming to build an average of 25 stores each year, our service provisions are sure to remain constant in upcoming years.

Rick Hanny
Business Development Senior Specialist
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